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Christmas charity event in Equishop

Christmas is a very specialtime, when we put all the quarrels aside, we manage to find some time for theclosest ones, we sit by the Christmas table and make presents for one another. It’salso a time when we want to share our joy with others, especially those, whoreally need our help. And that is why we, as Equishop, decided to support the FundacjęHipoterapia na Rzecz Rehabilitacji Dzieci Niepełnosprawnych (Hippotherapy Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Children) this year.

How shall we help?

As a company, we commit to give 5% of each transaction made in theon-line shop and thestationary points of sales in Katowice and Pruszków in days from 1.12.2015 – 23.12.2015 for the purposes of Hippotherapy Foundation. The aid would partially be passed on in the form of equestrianequipment and other exploitation products for horses, and partially in the formof money. The remit would be documented by the transfer confirmation, which wewill publicize on our social platforms and on the shop’s Internet site.

About the foundation

Logo Fundacja Hipoterapia

The Hippotherapy Foundationfor the Rehabilitation of Disabled Children provides help for the youngest onessince 1989.

How? Through actions that are directly dedicated for children, and also by theactions supporting their families. We have an impact on our charges’development, we prepare them for their adult lives and we stimulate theenvironment to change its perception of the disabled people.

Whom does the HippotherapyFoundation help?

With their activity, theFoundation includes children and teenagers with:

  • - an autism spectrum disorder,
  • - multiple disabilities,
  • - genetic syndromes,
  • - diseases of the central nervous system,
  • - delayed psychomotor development,
  • - hyperactivity and emotional disorders,


Fundacja HipoterapiaFundacja Hipoterapia Fundacja HipoterapiaFundacja HipoterapiaFundacja HipoterapiaFundacja HipoterapiaFundacja HipoterapiaFundacja HipoterapiaFundacja HipoterapiaFundacja Hipoterapia


How does the Hippotherapy Foundation help thedisabled??

The foundation organizes congenerictherapeutic activities:

  • hippotherapy
  • psychotherapy
  • therapeutic acitivities with the use of new technologies
  • social training in pairs
  • physiotherapy


and projects which include disabled people inany kinds of activities:

  • Integration Theatre Group "Ponies"
  • – “Fashion Without Borders


"Fashion Without Borders"

It’s a long-lasting coaching program basing on fashion and image-creation. Itis directed towards people with disabilities, who thanks to the activitieslearn how to build a self-esteem and how to overcome the negative stereotypes.

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