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5 tips on how to feed treats to your horses

Published: 2021-10-29 12:16:22 Categories: Guides Rss feed , Products Rss feed


Snacks for horses are quite a controversial topic. How to give treats wisely so that it doesn't turn against us and which treats to choose?

You are certainly familiar with the statement that giving treats may quickly lead to a horse demanding them at every opportunity, or even losing its respect for the rider. On the other hand, it can be of great help when working with the horse, either from the ground or in the saddle. Hand feeding is not only a truly motivating reward, but also positively affects our bond with the animal. What rules should we follow if we want to do it right?

1. Offer treats from an extended hand

The horse will learn to associate this gesture with a treat. Avoid feeding the animal close to your body - such behavior may encourage the horse to search your pockets, which, however cute and funny it seems, can become a pain in the neck after a while. Additionally, make sure that you put your hand in your pocket only when reaching for a treat – the horse may spot your hand in the pocket and easily get distracted.


A clicker proves helpful when it comes to hand feeding. Its clicking sound indicates correct completion of a task and a reward. As a result, the horse expects a treat only when it hears the sound and does not demand it in random situations. Using a clicker is a great way to establish appropriate behavior in terms of hand-feeding, but consistency and regularity are fundamental here.

2. Teaching better manners around food

If the horse gets impatient and demands the treat immediately, or even attempts to bite your hand, hide the treat by closing the hand and turning the fist over. If the horse does not give up, try shaking the hand until it calms down and is able to take the treat gently. This will teach your animal treat manners when it comes to hand-feeding - gently and without biting. In case of particularly pushy, excitable horses, it is a good idea to do the initial treat training sessions over a fence.

3. There must be a reason behind the snack

This rule highly depends on the horse and the situation. Start with showing the horse that a treat can be awarded for completing a task, after the sound of the clicker. Learning tricks together is not only a great way to keep your horse active and build a bond, but it is also a strategy to give treats in a way that is safer for you. All you have to do is ask the horse to perform a simple trick before handing out the treat. In addition, the horse becomes accustomed to being fed from the hand. Thus, this situation does not excite him as much as it does for horses fed at random times without any preparation. Try it yourself!


4. Always ask the owner before feeding their horse

This rule should be followed by every rider - do not feed school horses or privately owned horses without asking the owner or staff first. Some people don't want their horses to be fed by others, for example because of behavioral problems or a different way of working with the horse. It also happens that a horse is suffering from an illness that we may not know about and such a supplement may negatively affect it.

5. Choose all-natural or high-quality snacks

Treats are only an addition to a horse's diet, but make sure they are healthy and nutritious. All-natural treats are the best choice - fruits and vegetables - or store-bought treats with vitamins and other beneficial ingredients. Check out e.g. Over Horse treats.


  1. Over Horse Overs Horse Snacks Flavored Banana 1 kg
  2. Over Horse Overs Horse Snacks Flavored Pumpkin 1 kg
  3. Over Horse Overs Horse Snacks Flavored Forest Fruits 1 kg
  4. Effol Suplementary Feed for Horses Friend-Snack s Pear and Grape 1 kg

If you are not confident in your ability to hand-feed treats, you can use a small bucket or add them to your horse's meals.

Equishop offers a wide selection of Over Horse, Effol, Likit horse treats.

Would you like to ask a question? Don’t hesitate to call or text.

Equishop: +48 784 039 784


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